This files describes API changes for question behaviour plugins. === 2.6 === 1) Legacy required_question_definition_type no longer supported. (See 2.2 point 2) below.) 2) Behaviours now have to define an extra class class qbehaviour_mybehaviour_type extends question_behaviour_type { This class returns information about the type of behaviour, as opposed to the qbehaviour_mybehaviour class which controls a particular question_attempt. That is like the difference between the qtype_mytype and the qtype_mytype_question classes. Practically, what this means is that any of the methods that used to be static methods of qbehaviour_mybehaviour class are now normal instance methods of the qbehaviour_mybehaviour_type class. Specifically. 2.5 / qbehaviour_mybehaviour -> 2.6 / qbehaviour_mybehaviour_type IS_ARCHETYPAL -> is_archetypal() adjust_random_guess_score() -> adjust_random_guess_score() get_unused_display_options() -> get_unused_display_options() 3) The static method is_manual_grade_in_range has moved from the question_behaviour class to the question_engine class. 4) Behaviours can now control how the marks information is displayed in the grey info area to the left of the question. There is a new method mark_summary that you can override, although the default implementation is fine in most cases. it uses the marked_out_of_max and mark_out_of_max methods as appropriate, so you may just wish to override those. === 2.3 === 1) This plugin type now supports cron in the standard way. If required, Create a lib.php file containing function qbehaviour_mypluginname_cron() {}; === 2.2 === 1) The old public static function get_required_behaviours() method is no more. Instead use the ->dependencies facility in version.php. E.g. $plugin->dependencies = array( 'qbehaviour_immediatefeedback' => 2011102700, 'qbehaviour_deferredcbm' => 2011102700 ); 2) The old required_question_definition_type method has been replaced by a new is_compatible_question method. You should change your behaviour to override the new method, not the old one. This change has been implemented in a backwards-compatible way, so behaviours will not break.