This files describes API changes for question type plugins. === 2.6 === + The changes in MDL-32750 were reverted in favour of the new pdw toggle toolbars plugin for TinyMCE. The get_non_collapsible_editor_options method has been deprecated. === 2.5 === * There have been some tweaks to the helper class that is used to write walkthrough tests. You should not have to change your code, but you might like to take a look at some of the new helper methods available. In particular, if you had any code that did $this->process_submission(array('-finish' => 1)); you should change that to $this->finish(); * There have been lots of usability improvements to the question editing forms. MDL-37417 links to all the changes. There are only a few API changes that *require* you to upgrade your question type, but you are strongly recommended to make similar usability improvements in your own question types. + Some of the ids used in the form HTML have had ‘id_’ added at the front. Take care if you refer to these in your JavasSript or CSS. + MDL-32750 The HTML editing tools are now collapsed. This is applied by default to all HTML editors except question text and general feedback. If you want to add more exceptions, see the get_non_collabsible_editor_options method. + Form fields have been grouped onto one line where appropriate, to reduce the height of the form. qtype_numerical is a good example of this. + Where elements are in groups, we have changed the normal accesshide CSS, so that their labels are visible. If you were using grouped elements in the past with static elements to lable the fields, then you will need to remove the statics. + All the choices / answers have been merged into a single section of the form. This works better with the new 'shortforms' MDL-30637. Also the "Add blanks for more ..." buttons are now inside that section. This probably requries that you remove any headings from your per-answer fields, and change some of the labels. + Having merged all the elements into one form section, we then used CSS to visually group the fields for one choice, answer, etc. + When editing an existing question, we only show as many repeats are are actually needed until the user clicks the "Add blanks for more ..." button. Where you have your own repeat elements, you may need to change the number of repeats calculation. + As with all forms, setType() is now required for all text form elements. + A good example of a question type being upgraded to take account of all these changes is === 2.3.5 / 2.4.2 / 2.5 === * The special value question_attempt::PARAM_CLEANHTML_FILES that could be used in the get_expected_data method was renamed to question_attempt::PARAM_RAW_FILES in order to fix a bug. We failed to think this throught, and so did not realised that this might break some question types. If this affected your question type, please accept our apologies. Details in MDL-37847. === 2.3 === * Support for backwards-compatible string names dropped. MDL-30120. (See under 2.2 below.) * If you are overriding export_to_xml and import_from_xml to provide Moodle XML format import and export, then you will probably get PHP strict syntax notices in developer debug mode until you change the method signature to include qformat_xml $format. That is, you need to specify the argument type. * qtype_xxx_pluginfile() is now given the 7th parameter (hopefully the last one) that contains additional options for the file serving. The array should be re-passed to question_pluginfile() as is. === 2.2 === * The XML import/export base class has had some minor API changes. The - write_combined_feedback method now requires that you pass the questionid and contextid. (MDL-29058) - calls to the import_hints and import_answer methods now should pass the question text format as the last argument, to be used as a default if necessary. (MDL-29739) If you do not upgrade your code, it will not break, but there will be PHP warnings, and it the export will not work 100% correctly. * The old public function requires_qtypes() method is no more. Instead use the ->dependencies facility in version.php. E.g. $plugin->dependencies = array( 'qtype_numerical' => 2011102700, ); * The plugin name and related strings used to be defined in language strings called the same thing as the format, for example: $string['addingdescription'] = 'Adding a Description'; $string['description'] = 'Description'; $string['description_help'] = 'A description is not really a question type. It simply enables text to be displayed without requiring any answers, similar to a label on the course page. $string['description_link'] = 'A description is not really a question type. It simply enables text to be displayed without requiring any answers, similar to a label on the course page. $string['descriptionsummary'] = 'This is not actually a question. Instead it is a way to add some instructions, rubric or other content to the activity. This is similar to the way that labels can be used to add content to the course page.'; $string['editingdescription'] = 'Editing a Description'; All these need to be changed to use the standard string name pluginname, as for other plugin types, and similar for the other strings. $string['pluginname'] = 'Description'; $string['pluginname_help'] = 'A description is not really a question type. It simply enables text to be displayed without requiring any answers, similar to a label on the course page. $string['pluginname_link'] = 'A description is not really a question type. It simply enables text to be displayed without requiring any answers, similar to a label on the course page. $string['pluginnameadding'] = 'Adding a Description'; $string['pluginnameediting'] = 'Editing a Description'; $string['pluginnamesummary'] = 'This is not actually a question. Instead it is a way to add some instructions, rubric or other content to the activity. This is similar to the way that labels can be used to add content to the course page.'; The old strings will continue to work, but only until Moodle 2.3 is released. * If you are using the facilities provided by overriding the extra_answer_fields or questionid_column_name methods, then you must change these to be public methods. (This is required so that backup and restore can be made to work automatically. MDL-24408, MDL-25617, MDL-30562) === 2.1 === * Lots of API changes due to the new question engine. See === 2.0 === * Lots of changes due to all the API changes in Moodle 2.0. * This plugin type now supports cron in the standard way. If required, Create a lib.php file containing function qtype_mypluginname_cron() {};